Friday, February 20, 2009

Putting Pictures on the Blog

Sarah has put some new batteries in her camera and she has been busy. Take a look!

The fan was staying still in this picture.

This is a picture of a book...I hadn't taken a picture of a book in a long time.

Claire did such a good job taking this picture of me.

I like this picture because mom smiled and partly because Magra wanted more pictures of mom on my blog.

I like this one because Claire smiled and did not smile on the others.

Claire did a good job on this one.

I like this one because I got the time in the picture and the lamp.

Mom took this picture and I was wearing my princess dress.

This is Mommy!

Sometimes, Claire lays down when she is not feeling so good.

The End.



  1. Sarah, Thank you for the pictures, we really loved them. Thank you very much...From Cameron Hughett.
    Sarah, I saw your pictures. I am writing you and Claire a note...From Karli Hughett

  2. Sarah, Thank you for the pictures. I liked them. Thanks so much. From Cameron

    Sarah, I saw your pictures. The pictures are happy and I want to write you and Claire a note. From Karli

  3. Sarah, Thanks for all the pictures and for including some of Mom. Sorry Claire wasn't feeling good. Is she all better now? You are becoming a good photographer. I love your new background. Did you pick it out?
    I love you, Magra

  4. Yes, I did pick it out. Claire is feeling better.
